Saturday, 13 August 2016

The Big Short Movie Quotes

The Big Short the informative and necessary masterpiece which depicted the American Financial crisis which effected the world .
The Big Short is one of the most important films of this era and one of the best. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. It is an illumination, a magical pairing of a director's sensibility to exactly the correct form that most fully allows it to blossom and hold water. It is water which the film warns us will be the next basic human necessity to be denied by those few who hold power. (taken from a review)

Monday, 15 February 2016

Calvin and Hobbes over the years ( November 18, 1985 to December 31, 1995 )

Okay now , here are the strips of Calvin and Hobbes over the years from Nov18,85 to Dec31,95 for almost 10 years (Watterson took two extended breaks from writing new strips, from May 5, 1991, to February 1, 1992, and from April 3 through December 31). A great thanks to Bill Watterson indeed.

Here are somethings we can learn from them
  • School isn't where you learn
  • Finding what you love and doin' it
  • Got the conviction that your idea is superb? Well ,it is
  •  The journey is going to be rough ,tough ,but fun
  • Keep some patience , best things finish late ( Nice guys finish last )
  • Do things the other way
  • Don't grow up until you have to
  • Perception is Reality
  • Find what you love and do it
The following are the strips from Calvin and Hobbes listed years wise.
C & H 1985  C & H 1986  C & H 1987  C & H 1988  C & H 1989
C & H 1990  C & H 1991  C & H 1992  C & H 1993  C & H 1994
C & H 1995
 Hope you guys enjoy these .